Organizations are constantly on the move, new technologies come and go and it is difficult to keep up. Creating an overview in these transformations can be a major challenge. At Certly we have recently been working on a new functionality to set specific goals and monitor progress. As of today, this functionality can be found in your dashboard.
Setting goals
When setting goals, it is possible to configure them specifically. For example, you can set a percentage or number of team members for the scope of your goals. You can then choose whether you want to link a specific certification, a certification from a specific publisher or a specific skill to the goal. This allows you to set precise goals and use our extensive datasets to achieve business goals in terms of knowledge and skills.
Visualize and monitor goals
After setting your goals, their progress can be seen in the manager dashboard. It provides at-a-glance progress towards set goals and the status of associated certifications or skills. This overview allows you to work towards your final goals in a targeted manner.
Use cases
Many companies are in a constant transition. Let’s take an organization that is preparing a migration to the cloud as an example. Management wants to prepare for this migration by building up the necessary knowledge and skills within the organization. How are you going to organize this? By setting a goal within Certly, you create an immediate overview and you can get started with assigning the todo’s to specific employees within your organization. Then monitor the progress via the goals dashboard and anticipate the results achieved by your teams.
Want to know what Certly can do for you?
Certification and professional development management, skills and knowledge insights and much, much more. Certly makes organizing the development of knowledge and skills in your organization a breeze. Take your employees and your organization to the next level with Certly.
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