At Certly we are constantly working on new functionalities and improvements to our platform. This week, we’re releasing new features around tracking expired certifications across your teams, as well as providing insight into the number of unobtained exams.

Expired certifications

As an organization you want to keep an eye on whether the certifications of your employees are still valid, and whether a plan needs to be made to renew a certification. Maintaining insight into this can be complicated and requires a lot from an HR or L&D department. With this new functionality in Certly you can see at a glance when certifications expire and you will receive notifications when action needs to be taken.

Unobtained certifications

Unfortunately, it can happen that exams for an important certification are not passed. As an HR or L&D manager you want to have insight into this and be able to take action if necessary. With the new functionality in Certly you get an overview of failed exams and the success rate of your entire organization. The success rate provides insight into the number of certifications achieved compared to the number of failed exam attempts within your organization.

Curious about this functionality? We would be happy to give you a demo of the product and to hear more about how we can add value to your learning & development processes.

Want to know what Certly can do for you?

Certification and professional development management, skills and knowledge insights and much, much more. Certly makes organizing the development of knowledge and skills in your organization a breeze. Take your employees and your organization to the next level with Certly.

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