The world around us is changing rapidly. New technologies are bringing about major changes in the workplace. To keep up with the new developments and learn to adapt to this constant change, it is necessary to keep developing yourself. The phenomenon of “lifelong learning” states that you should never stop learning and constantly improve yourself.
The knowledge and skills we learned in school and during our studies age more quickly as the speed of technological change accelerates
The term emphasizes that learning does not only take place during childhood and in the classroom, but throughout life and in different situations. Lifelong learning is constantly gaining new knowledgebased on your own motivation. How do certifications fit into this story? We will look at that in this article.

The benefits of certifications in lifelong learning

If we look objectively at how people learn, it is mainly about absorbing knowledge and mastering certain skills. In the world of certifications, knowledge and skills remain the most important end goal. But how do you present these qualities to someone who has no experience with you as a working person?
Lifelong learning is becoming even more important due to the advent of new technologies. The way we collaborate, communicate and collect information is constantly changing due to these technologies.

Lifelong learning is becoming even more important due to the advent of new technologies. The way we collaborate, communicate and collect information is constantly changing due to these technologies.

Certification from an independent authority makes it possible to convert knowledge and skills into a valuable certificate. It is the final destination in a process in which your knowledge and qualities improve, you are tested and ultimately pass the exam. Some certifications contain a special title, a nice addition to your existing profile. Certifications can structure the learning process and form a concrete and tangible goal that you want to meet. It also puts healthy pressure on the student, because anyone who starts the process ultimately wants to obtain that much-coveted piece of paper.

Cash in on existing knowledge

If you’ve never encountered professional certifications before, you probably have a tremendous amount of knowledge that you can cash in on a valuable certificate. Start with certifications close to your existing experience and knowledge. What is the low hanging fruit that you can take advantage of right away? By using that, you can get off to a flying start.
Lifelong learning is essential for anyone who wants to invest in capabilities and skills to respond creatively, flexibly and decisively to the dynamics of a rapidly changing world

Lifelong learning is essential for anyone who wants to invest in capabilities and skills to respond creatively, flexibly and decisively to the dynamics of a rapidly changing world

This way you first put a solid foundation before expanding your qualities. In the next phase you can step out of your comfort zone and explore new territory.

Working on a better resume in small steps

Anyone who hears the concept of “lifelong learning” for the first time will probably immediately think back to his or her school and study days. Attending lectures, doing homework, several exams to finally be able to take a diploma home after years of full-time dedication.
Working on professional development in small steps, at your own level and in your own time. That’s what certifications make possible.
Today’s professional certifications make it possible to verify small parts of knowledge on a specific topic with a certificate. This way you are much more flexible in what you want to learn concretely, and the goals you set for yourself are much more achievable. It is also much more motivating to work certificate by certificate on your professional development. The progress is much clearer and you get results faster. Study for the certifications can be done on an individual basis, or through an organized (online) class. Those who go for the first option get a lot of flexibility and freedom in return. Depending on the type of certificate, the exams can also be scheduled at almost any time. You are not bound by certain school terms or other limitations of the traditional school system.

How to get started

At Certly, we make certifications clear and transparent. Kickstart your professional development by following one of our certification tracks. We guide you through the process and involve your employer as a mentor role to assist you as best as possible. View the prices or contact us for the possibilities.

Want to know what Certly can do for you?

Certification and professional development management, skills and knowledge insights and much, much more. Certly makes organizing the development of knowledge and skills in your organization a breeze. Take your employees and your organization to the next level with Certly.

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