As soon as a candidate can submit certificates, the level has already been determined to a large extent.

As soon as a candidate can submit certificates, the level has already been determined to a large extent.

The landscape of IT certifications has been developed enormously in recent years. Each IT product has its own certification program where valuable knowledge and skills can be gained. But what does that mean for the labor market, and what does the resume of the ideal employee look like in the field of certifications?

Demand in the labour market

Due to a huge demand and the shortage of supply of skilled employees, the tech sector has always been an outsider when it comes to required diplomas. Many companies see more value in experience and skills than a wonderful diploma of a university. Self-learning workers are therefore the ideal candidate for a application procedure for many companies.

But how do you demonstrate this knowledge and skills on your resume? That is where certifications come into play.

New employees with certifications have a number of advantages. They have the skills, have flexible and practical knowledge and have the right mindset to adapt to new technologies and new information.

Hands-on skills

If you do it the right way, knowledge and skills go hand in hand. A valuable tech certification is always supported by the necessary hands-on skills. If you are studying for a technical certification, it is always a good idea to also have a grasp of the practical side of the subject. The one is not possible without the other.

An employer can therefore also expect that a certification guarantees real hands-on skills around the subject.

Flexible and specific knowledge

For many, a four-year degree is too much of a commitment to take on. In addition, in many studies you are broadly trained and mainly theory is taught, but the focus is less on practical skills.

Certifications make it possible to delve into a specific subject and to cash in on knowledge in this area with a certificate. These specific skills are attractive to employers and make personal development flexible and specific. In this way a candidate can perfectly match the requested profile and knowledge and skills can be demonstrated effectively.

Eager to learn and develop

A certification requires that you sink your teeth into something and immerse yourself completely in a technical subject. This drive around self-development and experience is very attractive to many employers. It shows that a candidate takes initiative, is eager to learn and can work on self-improvement in a structured way.

For many organizations, keeping up with new technologies is a major challenge. With inquisitive and flexible people on board, it is easier to navigate new developments.

And there you have it. Potential employees with many certifications to their name have knowledge and skills, are flexible and eager to learn. The ideal candidate.

Want to know what Certly can do for you?

Certification and professional development management, skills and knowledge insights and much, much more. Certly makes organizing the development of knowledge and skills in your organization a breeze. Take your employees and your organization to the next level with Certly.

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