Do you want to get started in IT, but don’t you have any relevant background or training? The IT certification system makes it possible to build a resume in small steps and thus gain valuable knowledge and skills that put you in the spotlight at employers. In this article we will look at four basic certifications that every starter in the IT should have.

LPI Linux Essentials

Working with Linux systems is a skill that everyone working in IT should have. Wether you’re a developer, system administrator or cloud engineer, Linux systems are everywhere. The Linux Professional Institute Linux Essentials certification is all about managing the Linux operating system and keeping everything running smoothly. It’s a great basis to build upon and teaches you the essentials of finding your way around Linux systems. More about Linux Essentials

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Ever heard of a thing called ‘The Cloud’? Having a Cloud certification on your resume is a big plus. The Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner certification teaches you what the Cloud exactly is, what the different services that are offered looks like and how costs are managed. A perfect introduction into your journey into the Cloud and a fantastic starting point into the world of Cloud certifications. More about AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Professional Scrum Master

Scrum is “an agile method that enlarges your maneuverability and makes it possible to connect as well as possible to the wishes of your target group and end user”. Sounds good? The Professional Scrum Master certification teaches you all about the Scrum methodology and mindset and enables you to be a valuable member of a Scrum team. You will learn about the different meetings and artifacts and how to apply Scrum in your daily work. More about Professional Scrum Master

Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Learning how to code is a very important step into becoming an IT professional. One of the most modern, widely used and popular coding languages is Python. It’s a one-stop-shop for about everything and thus a great language to learn. It’s accessable and beginner-friendly and has a wide range of training materials available. The Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification is created by The Python Institute, an independent non-profit project created to promote the Python programming language and train a new generation of Python programmers. More about Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Want to know what Certly can do for you?

Certification and professional development management, skills and knowledge insights and much, much more. Certly makes organizing the development of knowledge and skills in your organization a breeze. Take your employees and your organization to the next level with Certly.

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